Friday, November 5, 2010

The Buried Life.

Its a simple question really, what do you want to do before you die? The guys on MTV's The Buried Life are pursuing their own list of 100 things they want to do before they die. The great thing about this show is that every time something on their list is completed, they help a stranger achieve a dream on their list. While their list is consumed of  some crazy ideas, they somehow get to cross them off their list. Some of the things these 4 guys have done are played basketball with Obama, stole a lock (well a strand really) of Robert Pattinsons hair, stranded themselves on a desert island and escaped. So yes, you could see how this could be extremely entertaining and funny. The dreams they help others complete however are pretty inspiring! Once they helped a homeless man find his daughter whom he had not seen in 11 years! They reconnected a boy with his birth mother, helped a girl start a group for people who dealt with depression and self injury, provided and traveled with a girl to Denver to see her mothers grave site for the first time and many other awesome things! This show is a hilarious comedy but also inspring, its a great way to spend an hour on Monday nights thats for sure!  

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